Preschool Books
Foid Fridge
Book Fridge 7
November 2020 lot
August 2020
August 2020 4
September 2020
September 2020 1
Book Fridge 7aa

The Book Fridge at St Michael's Hall Green. 17 Redstone Farm Rd has been set up by the members of the 60th Birmingham Boys' Brigade with the support of the PCC of St Michael's Hall Green with funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

There are many good quality books for preschool and school age children/families and large print books for those who maybe a little more senior.  All free to take away and read.  Please let us know how you get on reading a book from the Book Fridge by emaiing the 60th Birmingham.

If you have any books to donate please let us know on the same e mail.

To find out more:

Email us -                           Here

Text or WhatsApp us -     07853 411194

Check out our FB page - DiamondsCLP