Diamonds Home Schooling Construction Club

Tuesday 11.00 am to 1.00 pm (Term Time)

St Michael's Church Centre 17 Redstone Farm Rd

                                                    Birmingham B28 9NU

                                              (on 4a and 31 bus routes)

£2.00 per family up to three young people

Adults with Children at Construction Club free

Large Car park to rear on building


We have loads of Lego and other construction kits. 

With the increase in families home schooling Diamonds Construction Club

is an opportunity for young people and their parents to meet and make friends

Contact us at Diamonds for more information 


We would hope to add more activities to the Home School Group some ideas include

Chess Club

Movement and Dance


Boys' Brigade and Girls' Assocation Badges

Let us know on the contact form your ideas.

Tutoring (extra charge)

Lego Construction Club
Diamonds Construction Club Home Schooling
HS 1
HS 2
HS 3
HS 4
HS 5

To find out more:

Email us -                           Here

Text or WhatsApp us -     07853 411194

Check out our FB page - DiamondsCLP